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Anchoring systems for the next generation of floating infrastructures




地点:建工学院A311   腾讯会议:927-402-766


田英辉,教授:澳大利亚研究理事会(ARC)Future Fellow人才高级项目入选者,在墨尔本大学的基础设施工程系工作。在墨尔本大学任职之前,曾在西澳大学海洋基础系统中心(COFS)工作。田教授的研究方向是海洋岩土力学,目前专注于开展海洋锚泊系统和可再生能源的研究。2017年,他曾获得英国土木工程师协会(ICE)颁发的海洋工程领域最佳论文David Hislop奖,目前共发表了183篇论文(其中期刊论文100篇,会议论文54篇,专著3本,行业项目的技术报告25篇)。


 As the world’s population continues to grow (estimated to reach 9.8 billion by 2050), new sources of energy and novel long-distance transport routes are being sought from the ocean. The next generation infrastructure will not be fixed like a traditional oil and gas platform or bridge, with structure from the surface to the seabed, but will be floating on (or even below) the wave surface and stabilised in position by a series of long chains and large anchors. This seminar reviews the speaker’s research work in studying the geotechnical behaviour of anchoring systems for the next generation of floating infrastructures, including (a) Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) that produce, liquefy, store and transfer LNG; (b) floating wind turbines with challenges to economically and efficiently moor them in water depths >50m, and (c) submerged floating tunnels that by adjusting their buoyancy are suspended in water and offer an alternative to bridges or underground.