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Confidence intervals of mean residual life function in length-biased sampling based on modified empirical likelihood




地点:Zoom会议号814 4075 4123,密码255682


Dr. Wei Ning is a professor and PhD advisor of Department of Mathematics and statistics at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. He holds the title Professor of Research Excellence of Bowling Green State University since 2023. Dr. Ning obtained his BA in mathematics and BS in finance and statistics from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 1999, and his PhD in statistics from Syracuse University, USA in 2006. His main research interests lie in change point analysis, empirical likelihood, Bayesian analysis, causal analysis and survival analysis as well as their applications to medical research. He has published over 70 papers in peer-reviewed journals. He has been invited to over 20 conferences to give talks.


The mean residual life (MRL) function is one of the basic parameters of interest in survival analysis. In this talk, we introduce three procedures based on modified versions of empirical likelihood (EL) to construct confidence intervals of the MRL function with length-biased data. The asymptotic results corresponding to the procedures have been established. The proposed methods exhibit better finite sample performance over other existing procedures, especially in small sample sizes. Simulations are conducted to compare coverage probabilities and the mean lengths of confidence intervals under different scenarios for the proposed methods and some existing methods. Two real data applications are provided to illustrate the methods of constructing confidence intervals.